Modern .NET Application Design

In this post we will go over several modern application design architectures, with the predominant one being event and message-based architecture. After this mostly theoretical discussion, we will move into practical implementation. We will do this by going over two different AWS services. The first of these services, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), is a managed messaging service that allows you to decouple publishers from subscribers. The second service is Amazon EventBridge, which is a serverless event bus. As we are going over each, we will also review the inclusion of these services into a .NET application so that you can see how it works.

Modern Application Design

The growth in the public cloud and its ability to quickly scale computing resources up and down has made the building of complex systems much easier. Let’s start by looking at what the Microservice Extractor for .NET does for you. For those of you unaware of this tool, you can check out the user guide or see a blog article on its use. Basically, however, the tool analyzes your code and helps you determine what areas of the code you can split out into a separate microservice. Figure 1 shows the initial design and then the design after the extractor was run.

Figure 1. Pre and Post design after running the Microservice Extractor
Figure 1. Pre and Post design after running the Microservice Extractor

Why is this important? Well, consider the likely usage of this system. If you think about a typical e-commerce system, you will see that the inventory logic, the logic that was extracted, is a highly used set of logic. It is needed to work with the catalog pages. It is needed when working with orders, or with the shopping cart. This means that this logic may act as a bottleneck for the entire application. To get around this with the initial design means that you would need to deploy additional web applications to ease the load off and minimize this bottleneck.

Evolving into Microservices

However, the extractor allows us to use a different approach. Instead of horizontally scaling the entire application, scale the set of logic that gets the most use.  This allows you to minimize the number of resources necessary to keep the application optimally running. There is another benefit to this approach as you now have an independently managed application, which means that it can have its own development and deployment processes and can be interacted with independently of the rest of the application stack. This means that a fully realized microservices approach could look more like that shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Microservices-based system design
Figure 2. Microservices-based system design

This approach allows you to scale each web service as needed. You may only need one “Customer” web service running but need multiples of the “Shopping Cart” and “Inventory” running to ensure performance. This approach means you can also do work in one of the services, say “Shopping Cart” and not have to worry about testing anything within the other services because those won’t have been impacted – and you can be positive of that because they are completely different code lines.

This more decoupled approach also allows you to manage business changes more easily.

Note – Tightly coupled systems have dependencies between the systems that affect the flexibility and reusability of the code. Loosely coupled, or decoupled, systems have minimal dependencies between each other and allow for greater code reuse and flexibility.

Consider Figure 3 and what it would have taken to build this new mobile application with the “old-school” approach. There most likely would have been some duplication of business logic, which means that as each of the applications evolve, they would likely have drifted apart. Now, that logic is in a single place so it will always be the same for both applications (excluding any logic put into the UI part of the application that may evolve differently – but who does that?)

Figure 3. Microservices-based system supporting multiple applications
Figure 3. Microservices-based system supporting multiple applications

One look at Figure 3 shows how this system is much more loosely coupled than was the original application. However, there is still a level of coupling within these different subsystems. Let’s look at those next and figure out what to do about them.

Deep Dive into Decoupling

Without looking any deeper into the systems than the drawing in Figure 3 you should see one aspect of tight coupling that we haven’t addressed. The “Source Database.” Yes, this shared database indicates that there is still a less than optimal coupling between the different web services. Think about how we used the Extractor to pull out the “Inventory” service so we could scale that independently of the regular application. We did not do the same to the database service that is being accessed by all these web services. So, we still have that quandary, only at the database layer than at the business logic layer.

The next logical step in decoupling these systems would be to break out the database responsibilities as well, resulting in a design like that shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Splitting the database to support decoupled services
Figure 4. Splitting the database to support decoupled services

Unfortunately, it is not that easy. Think about what is going on within each of these different services; how useful is a “Shopping Cart” or an “Order” without any knowledge of the “Inventory” being added to the cart, or sold? Sure, those services do not need to know everything about “Inventory”, but they need to either interact with the “Inventory” service or go directly into the database to get information. These two options are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Sharing data through a shared database or service-to-service calls
Figure 5. Sharing data through a shared database or service-to-service calls

As you can see, however, we have just added back in some coupling, as in either approach the “Order” service and “Shopping Cart” service now have dependencies on the “Inventory” service in some form or another. However, this may be unavoidable based on certain business requirements – those requirements that mean that the “Order” needs to know about “Inventory.” Before we stress out too much about this design, let’s further break down this “need to know” by adding in an additional consideration about when the application needs to know about the data. This helps us understand the required consistency.  

Strong Consistency

Strong consistency means that all applications and systems see the same data at the same time. The solutions in Figure 3 represent this approach because, regardless of whether you are calling the database directly or through the web service, you are seeing the most current set of the data, and it is available immediately after the data is persisted. There may easily be requirements where that is required. However, there may just as easily be requirements where a slight delay between the “Inventory” service and the “Shopping Cart” service knowing information may be acceptable.

For example, consider how a change in inventory availability (the quantity available for the sale of a product) may affect the shopping cart system differently than the order system. The shopping cart represents items that have been selected as part of an order, so inventory availability is important to it – it needs to know that the items are available before those items can be processed as an order. But when does it need to know that? That’s where the business requirements come into play. If the user must know about the change right away, that will likely require some form of strong consistency. If, on the other hand, the inventory availability is only important when the order is placed, then strong consistency is not as necessary. That means there may be a case for eventual consistency.

Eventual Consistency

As the name implies, data will be consistent within the various services eventually – not right away. This difference may be as slight as milliseconds or it can be seconds or even minutes, all depending upon business needs and system design. The smaller the timeframe necessary, the more likely you will need to use strong consistency. However, there are plenty of instances where seconds and even minutes are ok. An order, for example, needs some information about a product so that it has context. This could be as simple as the product name or more complex relationships such as the warehouses and storage locations for the products. But the key factor is that changes in this data are not really required to be available immediately to the order system. Does the order system need to know about a new product added to the inventory list? Probably not – as it is highly unlikely that this new product will be included in an order within milliseconds of becoming active.  Being available within seconds should be just fine. Figure 6 shows a time series graph of the differences between strong and eventual consistency.

Figure 6. Time series showing the difference between strong and eventual consistency
Figure 6. Time series showing the difference between strong and eventual consistency

What does the concept of eventual consistency mean when we look at Figure 3 showing how these three services can have some coupling? It gives us the option for a paradigm shift. Our assumption up to this time is that data is stored in a single source, whether all the data is stored in a big database or whether each service has its own database – such as the Inventory service “owning” the Inventory database that stores all the Inventory information. Thus, any system needing inventory data would have to go through these services\databases in some way.

This means our paradigm understands and accepts the concept of a microservice being responsible for maintaining its own data – that relationship between the inventory service and the inventory database. Our paradigm shift is around the definition of the data that should be persisted in the microservices database. For example, currently, the order system stores only data that describes orders – which is why we need the ability to somehow pull data from the inventory system. However, this other information is obviously critical to the order so instead of making the call to the inventory system we instead store that critical inventory-related data in the order system. Think what that would be like.

Oh No! Not duplicated data!

Yes, this means some data may be saved in multiple places. And you know what? That’s ok. Because it is not going to be all the data, but just those pieces of data that the other systems may care about. That means the databases in a system may look like those shown in Figure 7 where there may be overlap in the data being persisted.

Figure 7. Data duplication between databases
Figure 7. Data duplication between databases

This data overlap or duplication is important because it eliminates the coupling that we identified when we realized that the inventory data was important to other systems. By including the interesting data in each of the subsystems, we no longer have that coupling, and that means our system will be much more resilient.

If we continued to have that dependency between systems, then an outage in the inventory system means that there would also be an outage in the shopping cart and order systems, because those systems have that dependency upon the inventory system for data. With this data being persisted in multiple places, an outage in the inventory system will NOT cause any outage in those other systems. Instead, those systems will continue to happily plug along without any concern for what is going on over in inventory-land.  It can go down, whether intentionally because of a product release or unintentionally, say by a database failure, and the rest of the systems continue to function. That is the beauty of decoupled systems, and why modern system architectural design relies heavily on decoupling business processes.

We have shown the importance of decoupling and how the paradigm shift of allowing some duplication of data can lead to that decoupling. However, we haven’t touched on how we would do this. In this next section, we will go into one of the most common ways to drive this level of decoupling and information sharing.

Designing a messaging or event-based architecture

The key to this level of decoupling requires that one system notify the other systems when data has changed. The most powerful method for doing this is through either messaging or events. While both messaging and events provide approaches for sending information to other systems, they represent different forms of communication and different rules that they should follow.


Conceptually, the differences are straightforward. Messaging is used when:

·         Transient Data is needed – this data is only stored until the message consumer has processed the message or it hits a timeout or expiration period.

·         Two-way Communication is desired – also known as a request\reply approach, one system sends a request message, and the receiving system sends a response message in reply to the request.

·         Reliable Targeted Delivery – Messages are generally targeted to a specific entity. Thus, by design, a message can have one and only one recipient as the message will be removed from the queue once the first system processes it.

Even though messages tend to be targeted, they provide decoupling because there is no requirement that the targeted system is available when the message is sent. If the target system is down, then the message will be stored until the system is back up and accepting messages. Any missed messages will be processed in a First In – First Out process and the targeted system will be able to independently catch up on its work without affecting the sending system.

When we look at the decoupling we discussed earlier, it becomes apparent that messaging may not be the best way to support eventual consistency as there is more than one system that could be interested in the data within the message. And, by design, messaging isn’t a big fan of this happening. So, with these limitations, when would messaging make sense?

Note: There are technical design approaches that allow you to send a single message that can be received by multiple targets. This is done through a recipient list, where the message sender sends a single message and then there is code around the recipient list that duplicates that message to every target in the list. We won’t go into these approaches here.

The key thing to consider about messaging is that it focuses on assured delivery and once and once-only processing. This provides insight into the types of operations best supported by messaging. An example may be the web application submitting an order. Think of the chaos if this order was received and processed by some services but not the order service. Instead, this submission should be a message targeted at the order service. Sure, in many instances we are handling this as an HTTP Request (note the similarities between a message and the HTTP request) but that may not always be the best approach. Instead, our ordering system sends a message that is assured of delivery to a single target.


Events, on the other hand, are traditionally used to represent “something that happened” – an action performed by the service that some other systems may find interesting. Events are for when you need:

·         Scalable consumption – multiple systems may be interested in the content within a single event

·         History – the history of the “thing that happened” is useful. Generally, the database will provide the current state of information. The event history provides insight into when and what caused changes to that data. This can be very valuable insight.

·         Immutable data – since an event represents “something that already happened” the data contained in an event is immutable – that data cannot be changed. This allows for very accurate tracing of changes, including the ability to recreate database changes.

Events are generally designed to be sent by a system, with that system having no concern about whether other systems receive the event or act upon it. The sender fires the event and then forgets about it.

When you consider the decoupled design that we worked through earlier, it becomes quickly obvious that events are the best approach to provide any changed inventory data to the other systems. In the nest article we will jump right into Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), and talk more about events within our application using SNS as our guide.

Refactor vs Replacement: a Journey

Journeys around the refactoring of application and system architectures are dangerous.  Every experienced developer probably has a horror story around an effort to evolve an application that has gone wrong.  Because of this, any consideration around the refactoring effort of an application or system needs to start with a frank evaluation as to whether or not that application has hit the end of its lifecycle and should be retired.  You should only consider a refactor if you are convinced that the return on investment for that refactor is higher than the return on a rewrite or replace. Even then, it should not be an automatic decision.

First, let us define a refactor.  The multiple ways in which this word is used can lead to confusion.  The first approach is best described by Martin Fowler, who defined it as “A change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behavior.”  That is not the appropriate definition in this case.  Instead, refactor in this case refers to a process that evolves the software through multiple iterations, with each iteration getting closer to the end state.

One of the common misconceptions of an application refactor is that the refactor will successfully reduce problematic areas.  However, studies have shown that refactoring has a significantly high chance of introducing new problem areas into the code (Cedrim et al., 2017).  This risk increases if there is other work going on within the application, thus an application that requires continuing feature or defect resolution work will be more likely to have a higher number of defects caused by the refactoring process (Ferriera et al., 2018). Thus, the analysis regarding refactoring an application has to contain both an evaluation of the refactor work and the integration work for the new functionality that may span both refactored and refactored work.  Unanticipated consequences when changing or refactoring applications is so common that many estimation processes try to consider them.  Unfortunately, however, these processes only try to allow for the time necessary to understand and remediate these consequences rather than trying to determine where these efforts will occur.

Analyzing an application for replacement

Understanding the replacement cost of an application is generally easier than analyzing the refactor cost because there tends to be a deeper understanding of the development process as it pertains to new software as opposed to altering software; it is much easier to predict side effects in a system as you build it from scratch.  This approach also allows for “correction of error” where previous design decisions may no longer be appropriate.  These “errors” could be the result of changes in technology, changes in business, or simply changes in the way that you apply software design patterns to the business need; it is not a judgement that the previous approach was wrong, just that it is not currently the most appropriate approach.

Understanding the cost of replacing an application then becomes a combination of new software development cost plus some level of opportunity cost.  Using opportunity cost is appropriate because the developers that are working on the replacement application are no longer able to work on the current, to be replaced, version of the application. Obviously, when considering an application for replacement, the size and breadth of scope of the application is an important driver.  This is because the more use cases that a system has to satisfy; the more expensive it will be to replace that system.  Lastly, the implementation approach will matter as well.  An organization that can support two applications running in parallel and phasing processing from one to the other will have less of an expense than will an organization that turns the old system off while turning on the new system.  That you can phase the processing like that typically means that you can support reverting back to the previous version, before the last phasing-in part.  The hard switch over makes it less likely that you can simply “turn the old system back on.” 

Analyzing the Analysis

A rough understanding of the two approaches, and the costs and benefits of each approach, will generally lead to a clear “winner” where one approach is demonstrably superior to another.  In those other cases, you should give the advantage to that approach that demonstrates a closer adherence to modern architectural design – which would most likely be the replacement application.  This becomes the decision maker because of its impact to scalability, reliability, security, and cost, all of which define a modern cloud-based architecture.  This circles back to my earlier point on how the return on investment for a refactor must be higher than the return on investment for a rewrite\replace, as there is always a larger error when understanding the effort of a refactor as compared to green-field development.  You need to consider this fact when you perform your evaluation of the ROI of refactoring your application.  Otherwise, you will mistakenly refactor when you should have replaced, and that will lead to another horror story.  Our job is already scary enough without adding to the horror…


Cedrim, D., Gheyi, R., Fonseca, B., Garcia, A., Sousa, L., Ribeiro, M., Mongiovi, M., de Mello, R., Chanvez, A. Understanding the Impact of Refactoring on Smells: A Longitudinal Study of 23 Software Projects, Proceedings of 2017 11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Paderborn, Germany, September 4–8, 2017 (ESEC/FSE’17), 11 pages.

Ferreira, I., Fernandes, E., Cedrim, D., Uchoa, A., Bibiano, A., Garcia, A., Correia, J., Santos, F., Nunes, G., Barbosa, C., Fonseca, B., de Mello, R., Poster: The Buggy side of code refactoring: Understanding the relationship between refactoring and bugs.  40th International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE), Posters Track. Gotherburg, Sweden.

Single Page Applications and Content Management Systems

This weekend, over beers and hockey, I heard a comment about how many Content Management Systems (CMS) do not support the use of modern single-page application (SPA) approach.  Normally, this would not have bothered me, but since this was not the first time I heard that point this holiday season, I feel like I need to set the record straight.  A CMS manages content.  The CMS provides a way to manage that content, include placing it on a page.  All of that work is done within the constraints of the CMS tool (examples include Sitecore, Joomla, Adobe Experience Manager, Drupal, WordPress, etc.).  What that CMS does with that content, however, is completely up to the developer/implementer.

A well-designed CMS system depends upon a collection of components.  These components each fulfill a different set of needs, either layout\design (such as a block of text with a title and sub-title as one component and an image, header, and block of content as another component) or feature\functionality (email address collection form, credit card payment section).  Each of these components support different content.  This means that a component that is a title, a sub-title, and a block of content must be able to support different text in each of those areas.  Creating a website is as simple as selecting a page template (there may be more than one) and then using the CMS functionality to put the various components onto the page.  An example of what this could look like is shown below:

An example page broken down into various content sections

The de-facto way to manage this is for the developer to write one or more HTML\CSS page-level templates, which act as the container for the components that site authors put into onto that page.  Each of those components is defined the same way, as snippets of HTML\CSS.  This means that the request\response cycle looks like:

  1. User clicks a link into the website
  2. Request made to URL
  3. CMS determines page for request, extracts definition
  4. Pulls out page template HTML
  5. Inserts all component HTML as defined, adding any author-controlled data such as the text for the title, which image to display, etc.
  6. Responds with completed HTML
  7. User presented with completely new page

That this is the general approach is what leads to the assumption that CMS systems do not support SPA-type designs.  This assumption is wrong. Virtually all enterprise-level CMS systems will support a non-page refresh approach to design, and all it takes is thinking outside the “de-facto” box.

One example of thinking about this process differently:

Consider an approach where a link on the menu does not request a new page, but instead makes a RESTful request to the CMS that returns information about what components belong on the “selected page” and where they need to be placed on that page.  Assuming each component is able to populate itself (perhaps through an AJAX approach after the component gets the ID that defines its content and was provided in the original RESTful request in response to the click on menu item), then it becomes a simple programming problem to assemble it into a coherent structure that is completely CMS managed.  The flow below walks through what this could look like.

  1. User clicks a link into the website
  2. RESTful request made to URL
  3. CMS determines page for request, extracts definition
  4. Provides page template identifier
  5. Adds information about the components
  6. Responds by sending a JSON object that describes the page layout
  7. Client-side processes JSON object and includes all necessary components (HTML & business logic)
  8. Rendering starts for user
  9. Each component makes an AJAX query to get its own content (if necessary)
  10. User presented with fully-rendered page without a complete page refresh

Using this kind of approach means that the JSON object returned in (6) to represent the pay shown earlier may look something like this:

"pageTemplate": standard,
"content": [{
"component": {
"template": "title_subtitle",
"contentId": 12875342567,
"sortOrder": 1
"component (copy)": {
"template": "email_signup",
"contentId": 12875618367,
"sortOrder": 2
"component (copy 2)": {
"template": "calendar_events",
"contentId": "129UY54A7",
"sortOrder": 3

Which should be simple to process, even in that un-typed crap show that is Javascript.

I know what you are thinking, “Hey Bill, if it’s so simple, why isn’t everyone doing it”.  That is actually easy to answer.  There are many reasons why a company would choose NOT to build a SPA-like façade over their CMS.  In no particular order:

  • Complexity – It is easier and cheaper to write HTML-based components where the CMS interlaces them for you.  That is what CMSs do – they manage the relationship of content.  Abstracting that out to a client system adds complexity.
  • Editor support – Many CMS systems use WYSIWYG editors, so there is a need to have a defined HTML structure in a component so authors can see everything as they build it.  Since that structure has to be there already, any changes to client-side rendering is all new work.
  • Requires simple graphical design – the more complex the graphical layout of a site, the more complex a SPA wrapper would need to be.  The example that was used above is simple, one column that contains several components.  What if there are multiple columns in a page?  What if one of the components is a multi-column control that allows the author to put multiple columns of content into a single page column?  As the components get more complex, so will the work you have to do on the client to process them correctly.
  • Search-engine optimization – The whole point of a CMS is to have fine control over messaging and content.  A SPA-like approach makes SEO optimization problematic as search robots still have problems understanding the interaction between page changes and content changes – so cannot properly index content.
  • Analytics – Most analytics tools will just work when looking at sites where new pages load in the browser.  They will not “just work” in a SPA environment, instead you will generally need to add client-side logic to ensure that clicks are properly understood, with the correct context, by the analytics package.
  • Initial load – the first visit to a SPA application is long, generally because all of the templates need to be downloading before the first page can render.  There is a lot of downloading that would need to happen in an enterprise-level website with 10 page templates and 100 different components.  Yes, it could be shortened by using background or just-in-time loading, but are you willing to take a slow-down in an ecommerce environment where the first few seconds of the interaction between visitor and site are critical?
  • 3rd party add-ins – Analytics was mentioned earlier as being a potential issue.  Similar problems will happen with common third party add-ins like Mousify or Optimizely; the expectations that those tools have around working within a well-understood DOM will affect the usefulness of those tools.

I know, I spent the first part of this post talking about how it is possible to do this, and then spend the second part seeming to say why it should not be done.  That is not what that second section is saying.  Other than the first three bullets, all of these points are issues that anyone considering a SPA site should understand and account for in their evaluation, regardless of a CMS.

What it really comes down to is if, after understanding the implicit limitations imposed by a SPA approach, you still feel that it is the best way to design your website, then rest assured that your CMS can support it.  You simply need to change the way that your CMS delivers content to match the new design paradigm. The easiest approach to understanding this is to build a simple POC.  There are two “web pages” below.  It is made up of 1 page template and 4 content components: block of text with title and sub-title, an email sign-up form, a calendar, and an image.  Note that the second page has 2 instances of the block of text component with different content. 

If you can make this work in your client-side framework d’jour, than you can do it with your CMS.