Containerizing a .NET Core-based Application for AWS

In our last post in this series, we talked about Containerizing a .NET 4.x Application for deployment onto AWS, and as you may have seen it was a somewhat convoluted affair. Containerizing a .NET Core type application is much easier, because a lot of the hoops that you must leap through to manage a Windows container will not be necessary. Instead, all AWS products, as well as IDEs, will support this out the gate.

Using Visual Studio

We have already gone through adding container support using Visual Studio, and that we are doing it now using a .NET Core-based application does not change that part of the process at all. What does change, however, is the ease of getting the newly containerized application into AWS. Once the Docker file has been added, the “Publish to AWS” options when right-clicking on the project name in the Solution Explorer is greatly expanded. Since our objective is to get this application deployed to Amazon ECR, make the choice to Push Container Images to Amazon Elastic Container Registry and click the Publish button. You will see the process walk through a few steps and it will end with a message stating that the image has been successfully deployed into ECR.

Using JetBrains Rider

The process of adding a container using JetBrains Rider is very similar to the process used in Visual Studio. Open your application in Rider, right-click the project, select Add, and then Docker Support as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Adding Docker Support in JetBrains Rider

This will bring up a window where you select the Target OS, in this case, Linux.  Once you have this finished you will see a Dockerfile show up in your solution. Unfortunately, the AWS Toolkit for Rider does not currently support deploying the new container image to ECR. This means that any deployment to the cloud must be done with the AWS CLI or the AWS Tools for Powershell and would be the same as the upload process used when storing a Windows container in ECR that we went over in an earlier post.

As you can see, containerizing a .NET Core based application is much easier to do as well as easier to deploy into AWS.

Containerizing a .NET Framework 4.x Application for AWS

In this post we are going to demonstrate ways in which you can containerize your applications for deployment into the cloud, the next step in minimizing resource usage and likely saving money. This article is different from the previous entries in this series because those were a discussion of containers and running them within the AWS infrastructure while this post is much more practical and based upon getting to that point from an existing non-containerized application.

Using Visual Studio

Adding container support using Visual Studio is straightforward.

Adding Docker Support

Open an old ASP.NET Framework 4.7 application or create a new one. Once open, right-click on the project name, select Add, and then Docker Support as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Adding Docker Support to an application.

Your Output view, when set to showing output from Container Tools, will show multiple steps being performed, and then it should finish successfully. When completed, you will see two new files added in the Solution Explorer, Dockerfile, and a subordinate .dockerignore file. You will also see that your default Debug setting has changed to Docker. You can see both changes in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Changes in Visual Studio after adding Docker support

You can test the support by clicking the Docker button. This will build the container, run it under your local Docker Desktop, and then open your default browser. This time, rather than going to a localhost URL you will instead go to an IP address, and if you compare the IP address in the URL to your local IP you will see that they are not the same. That is because this new IP address points to the container running on your system.

Before closing the browser and stopping the debug process, you will be able to confirm that the container is running by using the Containers view in Visual Studio as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Using the Containers view in Visual Studio to see the running container

You can also use Docker Desktop to view running containers. Open Docker Desktop and select Containers / Apps. This will bring you to a list of the running containers and apps, one of which will be the container that you just started as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Viewing a running container in Docker Desktop

Once these steps have been completed, you are ready to save your container in ECR, just as we covered earlier in this series.

Deploying your Windows Container to ECR

However, there are some complications with this, as the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio does not support the container deployment options we saw earlier when looking at the toolkit when working with Windows containers. Instead, we are going to use the AWS PowerShell tools to build and publish your image to ECR. At a high level, the steps are:

·         Build your application in Release mode. This is the only way that Visual Studio puts the appropriate files in the right place, namely the obj\Docker\publish subdirectory of your project directory. You can see this value called out in the last line of your Dockerfile: COPY ${source:-obj/Docker/publish} .

·         Refresh your ECR authentication token. You need this later in the process so that you can login to ECR to push the image.

·         Build the Docker image.

·         Tag the image. Creates the image tag on the repository

·         Push the image to the server. Copy the image into ECR

Let’s walk through them now. The first step is to build your application in Release mode. However, before you can do that, you will need to stop your currently running container. You can do that through either Docker Desktop or the Containers view in Visual Studio. If you do not do this, your build will fail because you will not be able to override the necessary files. Once that is completed, your Release mode build should be able to run without problem.

Next, open PowerShell and navigate to your project directory. This directory needs to be the one that contains the Docker file. First thing we will do is to set the authentication context. We do that by first getting the command to execute, and then executing that command. That is why this process has two steps.

$loginCommand = Get-ECRLoginCommand -Region <repository region>

And then

Invoke-Expression $loginCommand.Command

This refreshed the authentication token into ECR. The remaining commands are based upon an existing ECR repository. You can access this information through the AWS Explorer by clicking on the repository name. This will bring up the details page as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Viewing a running container in Docker Desktop

The value shown by the 1 is the repository name and by number 2 is the repository URI. You will need both of those values for the remaining steps. Build the image:

docker build -t <repository> .

The next step is to tag the image. In this example we are setting this version as the latest version by appending both the repository name and URI with “:latest”.

docker tag <repository>:latest <URI>:latest

The last step is to push the image to the server:

docker push <URI>:latest

You will see a lot of work going on as everything is pushed to the repository but eventually it will finish processing and you will be able to see your new image in the repository.

Note: Not all container services on AWS support Windows containers. Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate is one of the services that does as long as you make the appropriate choices as you configure your tasks. There are detailed directions to doing just that at

While Visual Studio offers a menu-driven approach to containerizing your application, you always have the option to containerize your application manually.

Containerizing Manually

Containerizing an application manually requires several steps. You’ll need to create your Docker file and then coordinate the build of the application so that it works with the Docker file you created. We’ll start with those steps first, and we’ll do it using JetBrains Rider. The first thing you’ll need to do is to add a Docker file to your sample application, called Dockerfile. This file needs to be in the root of your active project directory. Once you have this added to the project, right-click the file to open the Properties window and change the Build action to None and the Copy to output directory to Do not copy as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Build properties for the new Docker file

This is important because it makes sure that the Docker file itself will not end up deployed into the container.

Now that we have the file, let’s start adding the instructions:

ARG source
WORKDIR /inetpub/wwwroot

These commands are defining the source image with FROM, defining an argument, and then defining the directory and entry point where the code is going to be running on the container. The source image that we have defined includes support for ASP.NET and .NET version 4.8,, and is being deployed onto Windows Server 2019, windowsservercore-ltsc2019. There is an image for Windows Server 2022, windowsservercore-ltsc2022, but this may not be usable for you if you are not running the most current version of Windows on your machine

The last part that we need to do is to configure the Docker file to include the compiled application. However, before we can do that, we need to build the application in such a way that we can access these deployed bits. This is done by publishing the application. In Rider, you publish the application by right-clicking on the project and selecting the Publish option. This will give you the option to publish to either a Local folder or Server. This brings up the configuration screen where you can select the directory in which to publish as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Selecting a publish directory

It will be easiest if you select a directory underneath the project directory; we recommend within the bin directory so that the IDEs will tend to ignore it. Clicking the Run button will publish the app to the directory. The last step is to add one more command to the Dockerfile where you point the source command to the directory in which you published the application.

COPY ${source:-bin/release} .

Once you add this last line into the Dockerfile, you are ready to deploy the Windows container to ECR using the steps that we went through in the last section.

Now that we have walked through two different approaches for containerizing your older .NET Framework-based Windows application, the next step is to do the same with a .NET Core-based application. As you will see, this process is a lot easier because we will build the application onto a Linux-based container so you will see a lot of additional support in the IDEs. Let’s look at that next.

Time Series Databases

A time series database is a database optimized for time-stamped or time-series data. Typical examples of this kind of data are application performance monitoring logs, network data, clicks in an online application, stock market trading, IoT sensor data, and other use cases where the time of the data is important. So far it seems like something pretty much any database can manage, right? Well, the difference comes around the way the data will be accessed.

All the NoSQL and relational databases depend upon the existence of a key, generally some kind of string or integer. In a time-series database, however, the timestamp is the most important piece of information. This means that applications that look at data within a time range, and it is the time range that is crucial, would be well served by a time-series database because that data will be stored together (much like how relational databases store data in order by primary key) so getting a range of data based on a time range will be faster than getting data stored with a different type of key. Figure 1 shows how this works.

Figure 1. Time-series data stored by timestamp

A typical characteristic of time-series data is that when data arrives it is generally recorded as a new entry. Updating that data is more of an exception than a rule. Another characteristic is that the data typically arrives in timestamp order, so key scanning is minimized, and the data-write can be very performant. A thirds characteristic is that the non-timestamp data is stored as a value and is rarely included as part of the filtering in a query. Scaling is also especially important in time-series databases because there tends to be a lot of frequently created data that ends up being stored in this type of database. The last characteristic, as already mentioned, is that time is the primary axis. Time-series databases tend to include specialized functions around dealing with time series, including aggregation, analysis, and time calculations.

Amazon Timestream

Now that we have briefly defined the concept behind a time-series database, let us look at the AWS entry into the field, Amazon Timestream. Timestream is a serverless, automatically-scaling, database service that can store trillions of requests per day and is exponentially faster than a relational database at a fraction of the cost. Timestream uses a purpose-built query engine that lets you access and analyze recent and historical data together within a single query as well as supporting built-in time-series analytics functions.

Creating an Amazon Timestream database is one of the simplest processes that you will find in AWS. All you need to do is to provide a Database name and decide on the Key Management Service (KMS) key to use when encrypting your data (all Timestream data is encrypted by default). And that is it. Creating a table within the database is almost as simple; provide a Table name and then configure the Data retention policies.

These data retention policies are designed to help you manage the lifecycle of your time-series data. The assumption is that there are two levels of data, data that is frequently used in small segments for analysis, such as “the last 5 minutes”, and data that will be accessed much less often but in larger ranges, such as “last month”. Timestream helps you manage that lifecycle by automatically storing data in two places, in-memory and in a magnetic store. The data retention policies allow you to configure when that transition should happen. Figure 2 shows an example where data is persisted in memory for 2 days and then transferred to magnetic storage and kept there for 1 year.

Figure 2. Configuring the Data Retention policies for a Timestream table

Now that we have looked at creating a Timestream database and table, the next step is to look at how the data is managed within the database as this will help you understand some of the behavior you will see when using the database programmatically. The following are key concepts in Timestream:

·         Dimension – describes metadata as key/value pairs and can be 0 to many within a record. An example could be the location and type of a sensor.

·         Measure – the actual value being measured, as a key/value pair

Now that we have briefly discussed Timestream databases, our next step is to look at using it in a .NET application.

.NET and Amazon Timestream

We have spent some time accessing database services on AWS that are designed to emulate some other product, such as Redis. Timestream does not take that approach. Instead, you need to use the AWS SDK for .NET to write data to and read data from Timestream. The interesting thing about this is that AWS made the decision to break this data access process down by providing two discrete .NET clients for Timestream, the Write SDK client that persists data to the table and the Query SDK client that returns data from the table.

Let’s start our journey into Timestream by looking at a method in the code snippet below that saves an item, in this case, a Measurement.

1  using System;
2  using System.Collections.Generic;
3  using System.Threading.Tasks;
4  using Amazon.TimestreamWrite;
5  using Amazon.TimestreamWrite.Model;
7  public class Measurement
8  {
9     public Dictionary<string, double> KeyValues { get; set; }
10    public string Source { get; set; }
11    public string Location { get; set; }
12    public DateTime Time { get; set; }
13  }
15 public async Task Insert(Measurement item)
16 {
17    var queryClient = new AmazonTimestreamQueryClient();
19    List<Dimension> dimensions = new List<Dimension>
20    {
21        new Dimension {Name = "location", Value = item.Location}
22    };
24    Record commonAttributes = new Record
25    {
26        Dimensions = dimensions,
27        MeasureValueType = MeasureValueType.DOUBLE,
28        Time = ConvertToTimeString(item.Time)
29    };
31   List<Record> records = new List<Record>();
33    foreach (string key in item.KeyValues.Keys)
34    {
35        var record = new Record
36        {
37            MeasureName = key,
38            MeasureValue = item.KeyValues[key].ToString()
39        };
40        records.Add(record);
41    }
43    var request = new WriteRecordsRequest
44    {
45        DatabaseName = databaseName,
46        TableName = tableName,
47        CommonAttributes = commonAttributes,
48        Records = records
49    };
51    var response = await writeClient.WriteRecordsAsync(request);
52    // do something with result, such as evaluate HTTP status
53 }

When persisting data into Timestream you will use a WriteRecordsRequest, as shown on Line 43 of the above code. This object contains information about the table and database to use as well as CommonAttributes and Records. The CommonAttributes property expects a Record, or a set of fields that are common to all the items contained in the Records property; think of it as a way to minimize the data sent over the wire as well as act as initial value grouping. In this case, our common attributes contain the Dimensions (as discussed earlier) as well as the MeasureValueType which defines the type of data being submitted (although it will be converted to a string for the submission), and Time. This leaves only the list of measurement values that will be put into the Records property. The response from the WriteRecordsAsync method is an HTTP Status code that indicates success or failure.

Pulling data out is quite different; mainly because the process of fetching data is done by passing a SQL-like query string to the AmazonTimestreamQueryClient. This means that a simple query to retrieve some information could look like this:

SELECT location, measure_name, time, measure_value::double
FROM {databaseName}.{tableName}
WHERE measure_name=’type of measurement you are looking for’

All of which will be recognizable if you have experience with SQL.

This is all well and good, but the power of this type of database really shines when you start to do time-specific queries. Consider the following query that finds the average measurement value, aggregated together over 30-second intervals (binned), for a specific location (one of the dimensions saved with each submission) over the past 2 hours.

SELECT BIN(time, 30s) AS binned_timestamp,
    ROUND(AVG(measure_value::double), 2) AS avg_measurementValue,
FROM {databaseName}.{tableName} 
WHERE measure_name = ’type of measurement you are looking for’
    AND location = '{LOCATION}' 
    AND time > ago(2h) 
GROUP BY location, BIN(time, 30s) 
ORDER BY binned_timestamp ASC"

As you can probably imagine, there are many more complicated functions that are available for use in Timestream.

Note: These time series functions include functions that will help fill in missing data, interpolations, functions that look at the rate of change for a metric, derivatives, volumes of requests received, integrals, and correlation functions for comparing two different time series. You can find all the time series functions at

Once you have built the query, running the query is pretty simple, as shown below:

public async Task<QueryResponse> RunQueryAsync(string queryString)
        QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest();
        queryRequest.QueryString = queryString;
        QueryResponse queryResponse = 
                 await queryClient.QueryAsync(queryRequest);
        return queryResponse;
    catch (Exception e)
        return null;

However, the complication comes from trying to interpret the results – the QueryResponse object that is returned by the service. This is because you are simply passing in a query string that could be doing any kind of work, so the response needs to be able to manage that. Figure 3 shows the properties on the QueryResponse object.

Figure 3. Object definition of the QueryResponse object

There are five properties in the QueryResponse. The QueryStatus returns Information about the status of the query, including progress and bytes scanned. The QueryId and NextToken properties are used together to support pagination when the result set is larger than the default length, ColumnInfo provides details on the column data types of the returned result set, and Rows contains the results set.

You can see a simple request/result as captured in Telerik Fiddler Classic in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Amazon Timestream query response in JSON

There are three areas called out. Area 1 is the query that was sent, as you can see it is a simple “SELECT ALL” query with a limit put on of 2 rows. Area 2 shows the ColumnInfo property in JSON, with each item in the array corresponding to each of the ScalarValues found in the array of Data that makes up the Rows property.

Looking at this, you can probably see ways in which you can transform the data into JSON that will deserialize nicely into a C# class. Unfortunately, however, AWS did not provide this functionality for you as part of their SDK.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Toolkits for AWS

As a developer myself, I have spent significant time working in so-called integrated development environments (IDEs) or source code editors. Many a time I’ve heard the expression “don’t make me leave my IDE” in relation to the need to perform some management task! For those of you with similar feelings, AWS offers integrations, known as “toolkits”, for the most popular IDEs and source code editors in use today in the .NET community – Microsoft Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider, and Visual Studio Code.

The toolkits vary in levels of functionality and the areas of development they target. All three however share a common ability of making it easy to package up and deploy your application code to a variety of AWS services.

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio

Ask any longtime developer working with .NET and it’s almost certain they will have used Visual Studio. For many .NET developers it could well be the only IDE they have ever worked with in a professional environment. It’s estimated that almost 90% of .NET developers are using Visual Studio for their .NET work which is why AWS has supported an integration with Visual Studio since Visual Studio 2008. Currently, the AWS toolkit is available for the Community, Professional, and Enterprise editions of Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019. The toolkit is available on the Visual Studio marketplace.

The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, as the most established of the AWS integrations, is also the most functionally rich and supports working with features of multiple AWS services from within the IDE environment. First, a tool window – the AWS Explorer – surfaces credential and region selection, along with a tree of services commonly used by developers as they learn, experiment, and work with AWS. You can open the explorer window using an entry on the IDE’s View menu. Figure 1 shows a typical view of the explorer, with its tree of services and controls for credential profile and region selection.

Figure 1. The AWS Explorer

The combination of selected credential profile and region scopes the tree of services and service resources within the explorer, and resource views opened from the explorer carry that combination of credential and region scoping with them. In other words, if the explorer is bound to (say) US East (N. Virginia) and you open a view onto EC2 instances, that view shows the instances in the US East (N. Virginia) region only, owned by the user represented by the selected credential profile. If the selected region, or credential profile, in the explorer changes the instances shown in the document view window do not – the instances view remains bound to the original credential and region selection.

Expanding a tree node (service) in the explorer will display a list of resources or resource types, depending on the service. In both cases, double clicking a resource or resource type node, or using the Open command in the node’s context menu, will open a view onto that resource or resource type. Consider the Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EC2, and Amazon S3 nodes, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Explorer tree node types

AWS Toolkit for JetBrains Rider

Rider is a relatively new, and increasingly popular, cross-platform IDE from JetBrains. JetBrains are the creators of the popular ReSharper plugin, and the IntelliJ IDE for Java development, among other tools. Whereas Visual Studio runs solely on Windows (excluding the “special” Visual Studio for Mac), Rider runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Unlike the toolkit for Visual Studio, which is more established and has a much broader range of supported services and features, the toolkit for Rider focuses on features to support the development of serverless and container-based modern applications. You can install the toolkit from the JetBrains marketplace by selecting Plugins from the Configure link in Rider’s startup dialog.

To complement the toolkit’s features, you do need to install a couple of additional dependencies. First, the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI because the Rider toolkit uses the SAM CLI to build, debug, package, and deploy serverless applications. In turn, SAM CLI needs Docker to be able to provide the Lambda-like debug environment. Of course, if you are already working on container-based applications you’ll likely already have this installed.

With the toolkit and dependencies installed, let’s first examine the AWS Explorer window, to compare it to the Visual Studio toolkit. Figure 3 shows the explorer, with some service nodes expanded.

Figure 3. The AWS Explorer in JetBrains Rider

We can see immediately that the explorer gives access to fewer services than the explorer in Visual Studio; this reflects the Rider toolkit’s focus on serverless and container development. However, it follows a familiar pattern of noting your currently active credential profile, and region, in the explorer toolbar.

Controls in the IDE’s status bar link to the credential and region fields in the explorer. This enables you to see at a glance which profile and region are active without needing to keep the explorer visible (this isn’t possible in Visual Studio, where you need to open the explorer to see the credential and region context). Figure 4 shows the status bar control in action to change region. Notice that the toolkit also keeps track of your most recently used profile and region, to make changing back-and-forth super quick.

Figure 4. Changing region or credentials using the IDE’s status bar

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an editor with plugin extensions, rather than a full-fledged IDE in the style of Visual Studio or Rider. However, the sheer range of available extensions make it a more than capable development environment for multiple languages, including C# / .NET development on Windows, Linux, and macOS systems.

Like the toolkit for Rider, the VS Code toolkit focuses on the development of modern serverless and container-based applications. The toolkit offers an explorer pane with the capability to list resources across multiple regions, similar to the single-region explorers available in the Visual Studio and Rider toolkits. The VS Code toolkit also offers local debugging of Lambda functions in a Lambda-like environment. As with Rider, the toolkit uses the AWS SAM CLI to support debugging and deployment of serverless applications, so you do need to install this dependency, and Docker as well, to take advantage of debugging support.

Credentials are, once again, handled using profiles, and the toolkit offers a command palette item that walks you through setting up a new profile if no profiles already exist on your machine. If you have existing profiles, the command simply loads the credential file into the editor, where you can paste the keys to create a new profile.

Figure 5 shows some of the available commands for the toolkit in the command palette.

Figure 5. Toolkit commands in the command palette

Figure 6 highlights the active credential profile and an explorer bound to multiple regions. Clicking the status bar indicator enables you to change the bound credentials. You show or hide additional regions in the explorer from a command, or using the toolbar in the explorer (click the button).

Figure 6. Active profile indicator and multi-region explorer

Obviously, I have not really touched on each of the toolkits in much detail. I will be doing that in future articles where I go much deeper into the capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of the various toolkits and how they may affect your ability to interact with the AWS services directly from within your IDE. Know now, however, that if you are a .NET developer that uses one of these common IDEs (yes, there are still some devs that do development in Notepad) that there is an AWS toolkit that will help you as you develop.